Short funny jokes that will make you laugh your guts out with the likes of hilarious jokes, mexican jokes, tell me a joke, kids jokes, funny jokes for kids and disbelievingly more...and good april fools jokes

good april fools jokes

good april fools jokes

good april fools jokes

good april fools jokes

good april fools jokes

good april fools jokes

Short funny jokes that will make you laugh your guts out with the likes of hilarious jokes, mexican jokes, tell me a joke, kids jokes, funny jokes for kids and disbelievingly more...and good april fools jokes.

Short Funny jokes

Short Connecticut Jokes Q: What square measure the two decisions you've got once you square measure in Connecticut? A: Bowl or get Bored! Q: Whats the foremost difficult issue to try to to in Connecticut? A: The my Times crossword. Q. what is the distinction between a Western Connecticut State University society sister and a scarecrow? A. One lives in a very field and is full of fodder. the opposite frightens birds and little animals. Q: Why do Conned Huskies keep their diplomas on their dashboards? A: so that they will park in handicap areas. Q: What does one decision a decent trying woman on the University of Connecticut campus? A: A traveler. Q: Why did Forrest Dump opt for 'Kama over Conned? A: He wished an instructional challenge! Q: Did you hear regarding the ability outage at the Connecticut State University library?

Jokes to make you laugh

A: Thirty students were stuck on the escalator for 3 hours. Q: Did you hear regarding the fireplace in University of Connecticut's soccer dormitory that destroyed twenty books? A: the $64000 tragedy was that fifteen hadn't been co-loured however. Q: What will the typical Connecticut State college student get on his SAT? A: Drool. Q: what number children from CT will it go for modification the batteries in a very remote? A: None as a result of they have all the batteries for his or her E-Pigs Q: however does one create University of Connecticut cookies? A: place them in a very huge Bowl and beat for three hours. Q: what number Connecticut State University freshman will it go for modification a light-weight bulb? A: None, it is a sophomore course. Q: If you've got a automobile containing a US on wide receiver, a U Conn linebacker, and a U Conn defensive back, WHO is driving the car? A: The cop.

New April fools jokes

Q: What will associate degree Western Connecticut State grad decision associate degree U Conn grad in five years? A: Boss! I'm not speech U Conn basketball players square measure dumb, however the coach is dressing six players for this Saturdays game. The rest can dress themselves. Q: Why is "The Wave" prohibited in Schlesinger Field? A: 2 U Conn fans sunken last year. Q: Why did the U Conn regents arrange to cowl Schlesinger Field in cardboard? A: as a result of the Huskies continuously look higher on paper. Q: What happens once blondes move from nu to Connecticut? A: each states become smarter! Q: Why are not Connecticut State cheerleaders allowed to try to to the splits? A: They stick with the bottom. Q: Why do all the trees in my lean east? A: Connecticut Sucks Q: What will a woman from Western Connecticut State do if she's not in bed by 10 pm? A: Go Home. Q: Why do Conned basketball players use body heat activated deodorant? A: as a result of it is the closet they'll come back to obtaining a "Degree".

Dirty hilarious jokes

Q: Why do Southern Connecticut State students have such lovely noses? A: they are hand picked. Q: Why did Central Connecticut State disband its athletic game team? A: All the horses sunken . Q: what is the distinction between a Southern Connecticut State credentials and bathroom paper? A: regarding $50,000 per sheet. Q: What will it say on the rear of each Central Connecticut State diploma? A: can Work For Food. Q: Why did the Western Connecticut State grad cross the road? A: higher question why is he out of jail? Q: however will a dumb blonde get into college? A: She applies to Southern Connecticut State. Q: Why ought to the Conned Huskies modification their uniforms to Orange? A: so that they will play the sport, direct traffic, and develop trash while not dynamic . Q: what is the one issue that keeps Huskies basketball players from graduating? A: reaching to category. 

Filthy Mexican jokes

Q: Why did the Conned squad cross the road? A: as a result of it absolutely was easier than crossing the line. Q: however may be a Central Connecticut State woman totally different from a bowling ball? A: generally a ball is difficult to choose up. Q: What do Conned grads use for Birth Control? A: Their personalities. Q: however does one break a Southern Connecticut State grads finger? A: Punch him within the nose. Q: however does one get a Connecticut State fan to laugh all weekend long? A: Tell him a joke Monday morning. Q: Why do Western Connecticut State fans smell therefore bad? A: therefore blind individuals will hate them too. Q: Why did Conned modification their field from grass to artificial turf? A: to stay the Huskies cheerleaders from grazing the sphere at intermission. Q: Did you hear that nine out of ten coeds square measure sensible looking? A: the opposite one goes to Central Connecticut State.

Tell me a joke episode

Q: What do they decision students at Conned? A: Rejects from the conference. Q: Whats the distinction between St oars and yogurt? A: dairy product has a full of life living culture. Q: Why do the U C non Huskies eat cereal straight from the box? A: They choke whenever they get close to a bowl. Q: what is the distinction between the Rena Schiller Field and a cactus? A: The succulent has its pricks on the surface. Q: What separates a decent team from a good team? A: The Connecticut-New royal family border. Q: however does one confuse a Southern Connecticut State student? A: you cannot they were born that approach. Q: however does one get from nu town to St errs? A: Go north till you smell shit and east till you step in it. Q: what's going to you ne'er hear a Southern Connecticut State grad say? A: "I have reviewed your application......"

Kids jokes for all

Q: what's the definition of sex activity up in Connecticut? A: putting signs on the animals that kick. Q: however does one cad temperate associate degree Connecticut Huskies fan? A: Kick his sister within the mouth Q: Whats the distinction between the Connecticut Huskies and cheerios? A: One belongs in a very bowl. the opposite doesn't! Q: Why do U Conn students have TGIF on their shoes? A: Toes get in First! Q. What does one get once you drive quickly through the Connecticut State University campus? A. associate degree college boy degree. Q: Why square measure body part thermometers prohibited at the Connecticut State University? A: They cause an excessive amount of brain damage! Q: What must you do if you discover 3 University Of Connecticut soccer fans buried up to their neck in cement? A: Get additional cement. Q: what is the distinction between associate degree Connecticut Huskies fan and a carp? A: One may be a bottom-feeding, scum sucker, and therefore the different may be a fish.

Funny jokes for kids

Q. Why do they sell such a lot of button-fly jeans in Connecticut? A. as a result of the sheep will hear the zippers a mile away. Q. however did the Connecticut State grad die from drinking milk? A. The cow fell on him! Q: what's the definition of a Connecticut virgin? A: an unpleasant twelve year recent WHO will run her brothers.. Q: What to they decision students WHO visit AC inn? A: Rejects from N YUM! Q: What will a Connecticut Huskies fan do once his team has won the BC S championship? A: He turns off the PlayStation three. Q: What does one decision a Connecticut Husky in a very B CS bowl game? A: A referee. Q: What do Connecticut and NY U students have in common? A: They each dawned to Connecticut! Q: what is the distinction between associate degree University of Connecticut jock and a dollar? A: you'll be able to get four quarters out of a dollar. Q: Did you hear that U Conn's squad does not have a website? A: they cannot string 3 "W s" along.

Best ways to make you laugh

Q: what number Connecticut Huskies will it go for modification a bullfight? A: None. volcanic rock lamps do not break man! Q: What square measure the simplest four years of a Connecticut State grads life? A: Third grade Q: What will a Connecticut native and a bottle of brr wage have in common? A: they are each empty from the neck up. Q: What do tornadoes and graduates from Connecticut State University have in common? A: They each find yourself in trailer parks. Q: What do the University of Connecticut and pot have in common? A: They each get smoke-cured in bowls! Q. however do they separate the boys from the boys in Connecticut? A. With a restraining order. Q. what is the very first thing associate degree AC Donn woman will once she wakes up within the morning? A. Walks home. Q: What does one decision associate degree US Donn jock with a championship ring? A: A thief!

Hilarious jokes from Mexican jokes

Q: what's a U Conn fan's favorite whine? A: "We cannot beat American state." Q: Why will a U Conn fan pour their cereal on a plate? A: He lost his bowls. Q: however does one stop associate degree U Conn fan from beating his wife? A: Dress her in American state Gold and Blue! Q: What did the U Conn feminine say once sex? A: Get off American state daddy, you are crushing my smokes! Q: what's th distinction between a bucket of shit and a U Conn fan? A: The bucket. Q: Why do they not serve ice in drinks at U Conn games anymore? A: the coed WHO knew the direction graduated Q: Why do not women play hide and obtain in Connecticut? A: nobody would explore for them. Kiss Me A guy in Remington is creating out with this chick within the back seat of his automobile. All of a unforeseen she asks him, "Will you kiss American state wherever it stinks?" So he starts his automobile up and peals down the road to urban center. Your from Connecticut if You Know you are From Connecticut once...

Fascinating kids jokes

You thought that the sole highways were I-91 and I-84. You still do not perceive why individuals say that Connecticut is that the richest state. Your mamma works at Travelers and your daddy works at Pratt and Whitney. You have a minimum of four friends WHO drive automobile Grand Cherokees. You root for all the ny sports groups. You've ne'er checked out a public bus schedule. You think New Haven is that the worst ghetto you have ever seen. When you visit a true town, you sincerely feel dangerous for each poor / unfortunate you see. You can name all the members of the U CONN restroom and women's basketball groups. You don't suppose you are a professional person, however the remainder of the country will. You don't perceive why everybody else has not been to Europe. Your family owns additional cars than legal drivers. School apparel may be a North Face fleece jacket, a North Face Fleece or L.L. Bean back pack, a tartan shirt, khakis, and Doc Martens. As a toddler you took horseback riding, golfing, court game and swimming lessons.

Most popular funny jokes for kids

You visited preparatory school even supposing your public faculties square measure awe-inspiring. You've ne'er taken public transportation. You have a minimum of one friend whose house was inbuilt the 1800's. Your house would price 0.5 the maximum amount in the other state. Half of your friends square measure from another city as a result of yours is therefore little. At least one in all your friends incorporates a sick house right the water. Falling infatuated A man fell infatuated with the woman of his dreams. They were excellent for every different, apart from one minor problem: She was a Syracuse Orange men fan and he was a U CONN fan. He set to create the final word sacrifice and become a Syracuse fan. He visited the doctor and asked if there was a straightforward thanks to do that. The doctor replied, "Yes, it is a terribly straightforward procedure. What we tend to do is get in and take away 0.5 your brain. once you awaken, you'll be associate degree Syracuse fan."

Top class April fools jokes

The man agrees, and therefore the next week goes into surgery. once he wakes up the doctor comes up to him involved. "Sir, I apologize, however there was a fault with the surgical knife. rather than removing 0.5 your brain we tend to removed 3/4 of it. however does one feel?" The man Sat up, looked around, and aforementioned "GO MUTINEERS!" Sheep sex A West Virginal Mountaineers fan and a Connecticut Huskies fan were driving on once all of a unforeseen the American state fan slams on the brakes. There was a sheep together with her head stuck within the fence and therefore the American state fan aforementioned "We Mountaineers ne'er pass up a chance like this!" And he gets out and has his approach with the sheep. Then he says to the U Conn fan, "Your turn"... And the U Conn fan bends over and sticks his head within the fence. Ce monetary One Day This child And His mamma Were Walking Past A graveyard after they Past A Grave and therefore the child Stopped To scan It. He scan Aloud "Here Lies A Conned Graduate And a good Man." The Kid Then Says "Mom I Donn compass." The mamma Says "Why Not?" The Kid Says "Why square measure there two individuals Bur tied here?"